Who am I and what is Phantom Studios?

Published: July 30, 2024 6 min read Edited: August 5th, 2024


My name is Jonah, a Game Design Student based in Canada. Since a young age I liked to figure out stuff. I liked to be handy and build stuff. Eventually that hunger for creation turned into other forms. I started playing roblox in roughly 2014 and found it really exciting. I loved the concept of playing other people's creations.

Roblox Journey

Soon afterwards around 2015-2017, I learned you could download Roblox Studio and anyone could make games! I started learning how to use the build tools, how to control objects with scripts. Youtube was my go to in learning Roblox Game Development. I would love to watch different youtubers teach me this new language, which was Roblox Lua. I remember forcing my cousin to watch videos with me so he could become a game dev like me and we could try to get rich off of making robux and trading it in for real life currency. Of course a young teens dream. My issue was staying focused on a project as a 12-16 year old kid is not easy.


In Highschool, I learned Python, HTML, CSS and tried to learn C++ but it was kinda hard so I didn't get too far. I took a computer science course which helped me learn these simple languages and get a more focused coding experience. My teacher was really fun but some of the assignments were brutal. Many students wanted to go to University of Waterloo for Computer Programming but I was not a great student and did not get high enough grades.

Going to College for Game Design

After graduating and working for a bit. I applied for the winter semester at a local college. This college just opened a Game Design Program which was something I would be interested in. Currently, I'm a full-time Game Design student and would like to create my own games. I think it would be cool to be either a solo or indie dev. I hope to create quality games and focus lots on playtesting. In recent years, I have seen many games come and go due to game breaking bugs, not listening to player feedback and lack of playtests. As a Game Design student, It hurts me when unfinished games are released. I would understand for a small game studio that sometimes they need to get stuff out to make money. But for these large companies, there should be no excuse. I hope to work with my community and have an ongoing relationship to build trust and build a future of accessible and quality games.


Founder of Phantom Studios