Slime Wars: Origins

August 1st, 2024 5 min read Edited: August 5th, 2024

Early Gamer Days

During Elementary school, often we had computer lab time or computer time rewarded if our class was doing a good job/we got our work done. We did have access to some websites that probably shouldn't have been allowed for our class/age group. Although kids were already playing GTA V when I was 10. Websites like NotDoppler were often a go to gaming website.

Exploring Web-based Games

As kids were finding new websites and finding new website games I came across Age of War while playing on a laptop at home. I played the game for hours, replaying, trying different strategies etc. I also came across a game called Stick Wars. I loved this idea of creating units and attacking an enemy base.

Slime Wars

Slime Wars is heavily inspired by Stick Wars and Age of War. I want to take all the good parts of each of these games and add my own spin to them. The main premise is the building units, attacking the other base and getting upgrades. However features like base building and multiple travel paths will enrich Slime Wars and make this game from this genre feel fresh.

Slime Wars on Launch and its future

On launch you can expect to see one or two difficulties, a single map, many units, and different upgrades. The game will be somewhat small for my first game. If the game goes well I hope to add PvP, a campaign system and DLC’s. But we will see how that goes. One thing at a time.


Founder of Phantom Studios